Kuala Lumpur is cloudy today.. Can't see mr Sun anywhere.. He's hiding somewhere I guess... I think.. Mr Sun is sulking or upset with someone.... Once he show his self, he will come with someone and asking him to accompany her for day life before mr. sun were leaving by Sunset soon. When the nite come, she were asking Mr. Moon to accompany her along the nite, because she is scared to stayed along with her before she's going to sleep and when she woke up in the morning, Mr. Sun is by her side once again......
The sky a bit cloudy lately yaa.. B strong girl, one day u'll find u're sunshine.. But dont worry abt d sky, it would change when he need to change..
Dark clouds come floating into my life was carrying rain and usher storm, but its dissipating into an emerging blue sky of opportunity. well, it's blue now!
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